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"We all make countless numbers of friends in our lifetime, but very few end up being "heart and soul" friends that you deliberately take with you on your journey through life. Gina Harden is one of those heart and soul friends for me.

I met Gina at the lowest point in my life, severely damaged from a painful divorce after 19 years of marriage. Re-entering the workforce as a single mom with 2 sons, Gina hired me to work for her at the Schilling Farms YMCA in May 1999. Thus began our journey together as we worked side by side, faced the emotional and financial challenges of being single parents, had our Christian faith tested numerous times, re-entered the world of dating (yuck!), fell in love with 2 wonderful men and ventured for the last time into marriage and all of its challenges and joys. Our life journeys have paralleled each others' in so many ways.


This is how I know that God brought Gina into my life to love, guide and support me through it all!

I am so happy for anyone visiting this website, as you will experience Gina's special gifts and blessings. For me, these are the gifts that she shares with me as one of my very few "heart and soul" friends:

  • She tells me the truth, in love (even if it's not something she knows I want to hear!)

  • She listens to me

  • She gives me Godly advice

  • She prays for my whole family, not just me

  • She celebrates my successes, mourns my defeats, and lifts me up


Who doesn't need a friend like that in their lives!!!"


-Sue Cleveland

After many years in a very stressful position as a medical professional I decided to leave my career and take some time off. After several months I was ready to find a job in a totally new field.


Gina Harden entered my life in March of 2008 when I met with her about a job at the fitness club that she managed. I didn’t know it then, but not only did I have a new boss, I was also gaining a new friend for life.


Over time I confided in Gina about my battles with depression, my ongoing recovery from narcotic addiction, a struggling marriage, and questioning my own religious beliefs. Not once did Gina ever judge or turn her back on me. Instead she used her skills as a leader, a counselor, and a strong Christian woman to offer advice and lead me in the right direction.


Gina has been the shoulder on which I cry, she has helped me evaluate what I want in my marriage, she has been my support through my addiction recovery, and has shown me how to begin to build a relationship with Christ.


Fate brought Gina and I together and I consider myself very lucky to have her as a mentor and a friend. I hope others will be able to use the love, guidance, and support that this strong woman offers through her skills as a Christian life coach.

I’m a better person for having Gina Harden in my life and I can’t imagine my life without her.



-Trina Cox


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